Описание книги
«Я можу казати, що море від моїх речей, але я можу, щоб хвилі переміщалися в дистанції. There has never been a murder on Alderney. Це tiny island, тільки три miles long and mile and half wide. Хороший місце для brand-new literary festival. Private Investigator Daniel Hawthorne має бути введений до розмови про свою нову book. The writer, Anthony Horowitz, travels with him. Very soon they discover that all is not as it should be. Alderney is in turmoil over planned power line that will cut through it, desecrating war cemetery and turning neighbour against neighbour. Відвідувачі authors — including blind medium, French performance poet and celebrity chef — seem to be harbouring any number of unpleasant secrets. Коли festival’s wealthy sponsor is found brutally killed, Alderney goes in lockdown and Hawthorne knows that he doesn’t have to look too far for suspects. There’s no escape. Killer still on the island. And there’s about to be a second death…