There is no need to introduce Anna Gavrilova and Natalia Zhiltsova to fans of the genre of romantic fantasy. These are some of the most popular authors of this literary movement. Therefore, the series of novels «Academy of Elements» was doomed to success. Three books in the series were co-authored. The fourth and final one has one author — Anna Gavrilova.
Dasha Lukina lived the usual life of a young girl, studied to be an economist, and suddenly she was invited to study at the Academy of Elements. Well, as they invite … rather, they force. Like, she has a gift for magic, and there is no way to get out of it. The academy is located in another world named Polar, and the local inhabitants do not really like earthlings. So Dasha’s study is not sweet, oh, how sweet it is …
We present the final novel of the cycle in audio format. Everything that happened at the Academy throughout the previous books makes it clear that the heroine in the confederation is in for only one trouble. There is a way out — you can move to the Norrian Empire, but the way there is long, and the girl cannot overcome it alone. I had to urgently look for an escort, however, this did not save Dasha from problems. However, she is no stranger to, and the heroine is not going to despair at all. Listen to the final book of the tetralogy!
Performed by Alevtina Zharova
Production of studio MDM-Vision
General Producer Andrey Lobzov
Post-production producer Yuri Grekov
Used composition «Days Pass by ANBR» from the site:
License: 846142
© Anna Gavrilova
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