Описание книги
«Fast food» is a science fiction novel by Artyom Kamenisty, the second book of the «Food» cycle, a genre of combat fiction.
He was pulled out of his home world so that he quickly died a cruel violent death. This is a common lot for feed poured into the feeder for those who are a little more fortunate.
But anyone with privileges, remember. He’s a special meal! Food that eats people like you. Think about it when you want to run after him.
And yes, if you don’t change your mind, you don’t have to run.
He will catch up with you.
Book 1. Food
Book 2. Fast food
Emmit fenn / creep
Godmode / Landing
Futuremono / New Horizons
Kevin MacLeod / Impact Prelude
© Stony Artyom