This audiobook is an abridged version of Think Slow … Decide Fast. Only the most important: ideas, techniques, key quotes.
American psychologist Daniel Kahneman is a specialist in the field of human cognitive delusions. Together with Amos Tversky, he investigated the errors and illusions of thinking in the field of forming judgments, decision-making, and attitude to risk. The results of their work are presented in the bestseller Think Slow … Decide Fast.
Kahneman describes the process of thinking, dividing it into two parts — slow and fast, rational and emotional, logical and intuitive. He shows how the interconnected work of these two systems creates mind traps and forces us to make bad decisions.
The author analyzes a lot of similar mistakes in different areas: assessing events, forming opinions, forecasting, choosing, taking risks. He reinforces each illusion with research results and provides interesting examples. It also provides guidance on how to recognize and avoid such errors.
We remind you that this audiobook is a summary of the book Think Slow … Decide Fast