Every piece by Irwin Yalom is a bestseller. The talent of the storyteller is clearly visible even in those of his books that are devoted to special topics. In the same book, his literary gift simply shines!
You can endlessly hear that the word heals, history teaches, but at the same time remain a complete skeptic. But once you open Yalom’s book and read the first few lines, these truths cease to be trivial. The author is a wonderful storyteller, he not only knows how to tell, he loves to do it. Taking this book in your hands, you are left alone with the author and become not a reader, but rather a listener. Well, and, of course, a student, because this storyteller teaches. And when he says, “Listen to your patients. Let them teach you, ”for a moment you change places: you become a doctor, and Yal becomes your patient, who teaches his therapist. Just let him do it.