“We will never know how many people didn’t complain, but they won’t come here again”
Five days of one hotel.
From incinerators to presidential suites. From petty theft to spiritual rebirth. A fascinating story that (plus) can be used to study the anatomy of the hospitality industry.
A production novel. Arthur Haley. Life as it is.
It can be in three sentences, it can be separated by commas or even without punctuation marks at all. Because only he could break the first through the third and back in this way.
«Haley raised very serious problems for that time, although for Russia they are still relevant now: racism, corruption, globalization, impunity for the authorities, insincere religiosity.»
Publisher: «Glagol» dubbing studio, 2019
Reader: Dmitry Orgin
Proofreader: Lyubov Germanovna Karetnikova
Editing: Anna Kravtsova
Translation: V. Kotkin, K. Tarasov
Cover: Anna Kolesnichenko