Organizational Development Consultant Alexander Fridman has been helping companies build and implement corporate governance systems for twenty-six years.
If a leader is not able to successfully manage his subordinates, most likely, he does not know how to accurately and effectively manage himself. Time Eaters will teach you both. You will learn how to do what is needed, achieve your goals and at the same time not overpay for the result.
Friedman’s advice is based on The Theory of Constraint by Israeli economist and businessman Eliyahu Moshe Goldratt. The essence of this idea is to distinguish between real performance and those that lead to illusory performance. The latter are called by Friedman incorrect approaches or chronophages, that is, time eaters that negatively affect the actions of employees and the accuracy of management.
But what are the managerial chronophages? How to find and fix them? To find out about this, listen to the book by Alexander Fridman «Time Eaters.