How to build a large grocery chain, starting with a small dairy kiosk and without taking out a single loan? How to emerge from the scarlet ocean, plunge into the blue and double the turnover every year? How not to lose the startup spirit in 10 years? How to manage a company with more than 5,000 employees without strict orders and regulations, prescribed KPIs and a planned annual budget?
What should be the managers in such a company? How do you find a team that you don’t want to leave? The VkusVill and Izbenka grocery chains are familiar to many, their products are loved and recommended to friends.
The company broke into the health food market and revolutionized retail. The book by Evgeny Shchepin, one of the key employees of VkusVill, is an honest story about the company’s successes and failures, about plans and expectations, about the attitude towards employees and customers, and, of course, about the people without whom VkusVill would never have become so as we know it today.