Описание книги
About the product What this book is about Developing copybooks with grading stickers — a collection of graphic exercises for the development of fine motor skills. Who will be interested in this book The book is of interest for preschoolers and will provide invaluable help in preparing the hand for writing. What are the features of this book • The entertaining tasks collected in the book will help develop spatial thinking , graphic skills and creativity of the preschooler. • Thick white paper allows you to use pens, pencils and even markers. • Evaluation stickers will help maintain a competitive spirit in the children’s company. • By completing assignments, the child will effortlessly prepare his hand for writing. And the variety of exercises on offer will help keep your interest in the classroom. Learning is easy, learning is fun! Abstract The book «Drawing by Cells and Dots» is an excellent gift for a future first grader. Invite your baby to trace pictures and patterns in cells and dots. Performing interesting exercises, your child trains his fingers, learns to draw lines beautifully and accurately, and think creatively. Colorful stickers will enable the child to evaluate their progress. For preschool age.