Описание книги
About the product In this book, Sir Melifaro of Eho will tell the story of how he became a Secret Detective, about a laughing ghost, about Mr. Royal perfumer, about bringing up reasonable dishes, about the most monstrous man in the United Kingdom and other, no less interesting things. Annotation The tavern «Coffee grounds» stands on the border between the newborn reality and the unknowable chaos of still unrealized possibilities. It became the centerpiece of the Chronicles of Exo cycle, during which old friends and colleagues meet to talk about the past and keep silent about the future, which is almost here. In the sixth book of the Chronicles of Exo, Sir Melifaro talks became a Secret Investigator, about puzzles, fashion and magic, about his double, about a cheerful ghost, about a conspiracy against the King, about raising sensible dishes and about the most terrible person in the United Kingdom, worse than whom you can not think of anything worse. …