Описание книги
More info • 20 most famous researchers of all times and peoples! • Amazing success stories! • Amazing examples that motivate children for their own achievements! • In each story — an incredible example of willpower and fortitude! • Bright, dynamic, catchy illustrations! Abstract This book will tell about 20 famous travelers and scientists, whose discoveries have radically changed the idea of mankind about the world around them. Which navigator was the first to reach the shores of North America? Who discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun, the existence of which was previously considered fiction? Who managed to find the skeletons of Velociraptor, Protoceratops and other dinosaurs? Who managed at the end of the 19th century to break the record of the hero of the novel Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne? The encyclopedia will answer all these and many other questions about famous pioneers.