Описание книги
About the product About the author: Katarina Vestre is a biochemist, doctoral student at the Department of Biology, University of Oslo (Norway). What this book is about: A unique chronicle of events about human development from the first cell, where the reader is the main character, learns about himself a lot of interesting, new and sudden facts, and the processes that happened to him 280 days before his birth. Features of the book: 1) Original presentation of the material: the reader is the main character of the book and its narration, goes from one primitive cell to childbirth, when the fetus is already fully formed 2) New details about our intrauterine development, which we did not know about before. 3) Modern and step-by-step drawings by the author’s sister were used in the design. Interesting facts — For the hollow between the upper lip and nose, thank the awkward process of shaping our face — after all, initially it looked more like a fish! — We (people) are completely different from birds and fish, but at the same time we begin to form in the womb in exactly the same way. — While in the womb, we remembered all the tastes that we tried (or rather the tastes of those dishes that our mother tried) — Our hand was originally like a chicken’s foot with membranes, and the tailbone was originally a tail! — Our fingerprints are unique and were formed even in the womb due to the environment surrounding the fetus in the uterus — Our brain was one of the first to be created, but was finished last … — If you are left-handed — be sure that you sucked in your mother’s belly EXACTLY LEFT finger! — You have already experienced the highest stress in your life. During childbirth. Expert Reviews: This wonderful book reveals the secret of the origin and development of life step by step. Catharina Westre, at the molecular level, and in a mild form, describes the stages of the intrauterine life of the embryo and then the fetus. This book is the quintessence of knowledge in cell biology, embryology, obstetrics, genetics and, from my point of view, it should be of interest to everyone. SEDA BAIMURADOVA, Scientific Director of the Scientific Center for Hemostasis, Thrombosis and Fetal Medicine, obstetrician-gynecologist, doctor of med. Sci., member of the International Society for Thrombosis and Hemostasis ISTH. Fertilization and the subsequent stages of the formation of a living being is an eternal plot that deserves a separate epic. In this book, a biochemist researcher from Norway tells how the reader was created in the womb, vital, with a hypnotic storytelling in the second person. This book will be useful to those who want to learn new things about themselves or the world around them, because it is not about pregnancy, but about life. ANNA BELOUSOVA, author of the OVOSTI Telegram channel Annotation “280 days before your birth. Reporting about what you have forgotten, being in the epicenter of events ”tells the STORY ABOUT YOU from conception to birth, from the first cell to nine months later, when you decided to be born. Did you know that at the beginning of the 20th century, the expression “RABBIT IS DIED” meant that a woman was pregnant? Or the fact that the tiny sea worm «Bonellia viridis» spends its entire life in its own female, being her personal sperm donor? These are just two of the very unusual facts that you will find in the book by Katarina Vestre, which tells us all about the miraculous process of human development in the womb. The author’s task is to penetrate as deeply as possible into a living organism and consider the process of pregnancy at the cellular level, explain how chromosomes work, how cells communicate with each other and what DNA is. The author came up with the idea to address the reader as if at the moment of reading he is inside his mother’s body and grows every month — here he is just a combination of two parental cells, now there are four cells, and then six, eight, but it appeared and started working heart, hearing, vision, lungs have developed, fingers and toes have developed, and so on.