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About the product Unfortunately, the problem of stress is becoming more and more urgent. With the latest research, best practices and a wealth of experience, we know many ways to prevent and manage stress. This is what we want to share. With the help of this book, you will: 1) Learn what psychological environment, stress, emotional stability and effectiveness. 2) Learn practical techniques for creating a comfortable psychological environment and reducing stress. 3) Analyze the conditions that either help or interfere with stress prevention 4) Improve emotional well-being, increase efficiency, and reduce stress ABOUT THE AUTHORS: This book is based on the latest research and best practice. Malene Friis Andersen has spent many years studying stress and related work situations, and has written several books and articles on these topics. Malene now works as a freelance psychologist and teaches managers, union representatives and HR professionals to reduce stress levels. She is a member of the stress expert group of the Danish Association of Middle and Senior Executives. Malene is an authorized psychologist, conducts scientific activities. Marie Kingston graduated from the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Copenhagen in 1997, worked as a consultant and manager in Danish and international companies. Helps companies from Denmark and other countries in the development of leadership and management skills, productivity and emotional stability. Marie advises leaders and helps organizations design and implement stress prevention and management interventions. QUOTES: «Deadlines, analytical calculations and non-trivial tasks cannot kill, but they cause a stress reaction of such intensity and duration that one might assume otherwise.» «Stress can arise or intensify when an employee is uncomfortable performing assigned tasks.» “If we study the symptoms at different stages of stress, it will become much easier to identify alarm bells.” FEEDBACK: “We are very glad that we were able to translate an honest and useful book on management. economy to deal with stress in your work «Team NewWhat Annotation Accumulated stress is a ticking time bomb. You can spin in the wheel of deadlines, complete complex tasks, work for two and feel like a superhero, and one day feel such a burnout that you don’t have the strength to get out of bed. Psychologists Malene Friis Andersen and Marie Kingston have spent many years studying stress. They are members of the stress expert group of the Danish Executive Association. This book is based on the latest research and best practices for dealing with stress from Scandinavians, the happiest nation on earth. …