Описание книги
About the product The author has skillfully combined in one book stories about the adventures of a group of friends in the village and a lot of informative information, so we can safely call this book not only useful, but also very interesting. And also colorful and fascinating, because the stories are wonderfully illustrated with romantic drawings by Lyubov Lazareva, and informative texts — with more than 200 popular science illustrations and photographs. Abstract This book is a truly FUN reading for the NEW generation. Firstly, it is fascinating, because cognitive information is presented in the form of stories about the adventures of a city company of friends who find themselves outside the city, in the village with their grandparents. Secondly, it is in a new way, because cognitive information is presented without discounts for age, with the belief that children are not obsessed with gadgets, but think about a variety of things and are interested in what surrounds them.