Описание книги
More info Abstruse and boring encyclopedias are a thing of the past! The time has come for living, bright, funny informative books about the ordinary wonders of the world around us. An excellent alternative to the dangerous Internet, which allows you to compensate for clip consciousness and create a harmonious, positive, holistic picture of the world. With the books of the «Encyclopedia in Fairy Tales» series, children will not only learn the most important things for their age, but will also love to study and explore the world around them. After all, fairy tales with pictures are the most suitable form for the development of cognitive interest. Simple, imaginative and entertaining fairy tales will not leave indifferent any child, and short informative tips systematize and consolidate the knowledge gained. Combined storytelling (fairy tales plus a scientific and cognitive text) develops the thinking and imagination of the child, stimulates his creative activity. Illustrations not only entertain, but also provide objective information about the world around you. All the heroes of fairy tales (animals and plants) are quite recognizable, although they are endowed with an individual character. Unlike photographs, drawn images are easier for children to learn. Affordable, interesting and high-quality educational books that a child will not want to part with even at night and will continue reading with a flashlight under the covers! Abstract The world of fairy tales is entertaining and diverse! His vivid images allow him to reveal the most difficult topics to the child, to make boring — exciting, incomprehensible — extremely clear. The fabulous word quickly reaches the baby’s consciousness and is forever stored in the memory. In this encyclopedia, consisting of fairy tales and informative tips, you will find answers to the questions of little why: why is it raining? where does the cow get milk? why do wolves howl at the moon? where do the rivers flow? and not only … These amazing stories were invented by Natalia Nemtsova — a real sorceress who knows how to turn words into music. She has been working in radio and television for many years, she is known as a scriptwriter of radio programs for children on «Children’s Radio», a playwright for children’s performances, as well as an author of educational programs and documentaries on the «Culture» TV channel. Radio plays have been staged on many of her fairy tales. Gentle and kind illustrations by Anastasia Zinina perfectly complement the fairytale motive. Read, enjoy, discuss, develop! For primary school age. …