Описание книги
About the product The history of medicine remembers the names of all the brilliant doctors and outstanding scientists who moved science forward, but almost always forgets about ordinary people who patiently provided their bodies for experimental treatment. But behind every medical discovery there is a real meeting of a talented doctor with the same “zero patient”, whose case prompted him to a brilliant decision. In his book, Luc Perino, a French epidemiologist and professor of medicine, talks about important medical discoveries from the perspective of these patients. — What is the connection between laughing gas, the fairground barker and the invention of anesthesia? — How did «typhoid Mary» become the world quarantine champion of all categories? — What happened to good Phineas and how did his story influence the development of neurophysiology of mood? — What does Dr. Broca owe to his patient with the strange name Tang Tang? You will take a fascinating journey of several centuries and discover a completely different history of medicine. Abstract Speaking about the history of medicine and discoveries that made it possible to successfully treat diseases, we always recall the names of genius doctors and scientists. But we forget about those who made these discoveries possible. Luc Perino’s book is dedicated to patients whose cases moved medicine forward and made it what we know now. An interesting adventure awaits you, several centuries long, during which you will become an observer of the first experiments with anesthesia, vaccine trials, treatment of hysteria and other medical events. The author of Patient Zero talks about those people who patiently, in rural hospitals or at the appointments of medical practitioners, provided their bodies for research. Perhaps not all of them fully understood what contribution they made to the development of medicine, but it was their participation that made the treatment of many diseases effective and successful. …