Описание книги
About the product How not to get lost in medicineA large and comprehensive study of the past, present and future of evidence-based medicine. Doctor, member of the Society of Evidence-Based Medicine Specialists and the Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences to Combat the Falsification of Scientific Research, co-founder of the Evolution Foundation, Petr Talantov, tells in detail and fascinatingly what real medicine is, how it developed and how it differs from magic and quackery. The number 0.05 in the heading is the so-called p-value, a popular, although far from the only, way to divide the results of an experiment into positive and negative. Actually, it is about experiments, first of all, that is discussed in this book. The author tells in detail the history of the development of medical knowledge in Egypt and Ancient Greece, India and China, medieval Europe and Renaissance Italy, clearly showing how medicine as a science was born from the collision of various theories and hypotheses, and experiment became the main measure of this science. Selfless scientists who conducted deadly experiments on themselves, and charlatans hiding behind human fears and prejudices, romantics and pragmatists, liars and seekers of truth, accidental discoveries and brilliant insights, bold theories and erroneous hypotheses: a book about medicine, perhaps, has never been so exciting, scientific and rewarding at the same time. Abstract How did magical medicine work and why were patients ordered to go to the executions of criminals? What diseases, according to mystical doctors, did lily of the valley, wild cucumber and bear hair help? What was Hippocrates right and wrong about? Why, in the 19th century, childbirth on the street was less likely to end in childbirth fever than childbirth surrounded by doctors in a hospital? What are clinical trials and how are they carried out? Who are biohackers and how do modern specialists search for the elixir of immortality? How are patients selected for trials, and why does this often lead to errors? What is evidence-based medicine and how is it different from alternative medicine? What are the main arguments and slogans of the latter’s supporters and why are they fundamentally wrong? How does real medicine differ from quackery and magical practices? The book by Peter Talantov contains all the comprehensive information about how evidence-based medicine was born, what state it is in now, and what its future is. …