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About the product Internet sales never end! A new book by Maria Solodar on how to launch a car sales funnel on the Internet using 20 tools! Maria shares not only her personal ten-year marketing experience, but also the knowledge gained while studying in the United States. The book contains theoretical knowledge that Maria and her team tested in practice. To confirm the effectiveness, the book contains real cases of using the autofunnel, upsel, retargeting, email marketing, scripts for creating selling presentations, etc. All the tools are shown on successful projects that the team of Maria Solodar worked on — the largest community of entrepreneurs «Business Youth», singer and blogger Rita Dakota, Tony Robbins marathon in Russia. Each chapter of the book is accompanied by assignments. Having received instructions on how to work with an inexhaustible source of traffic, you will be able to monetize ad placements in the most efficient way. Go for it, the knowledge is already there if you have read this book! Abstract A new book by Maria Solodar, a famous blogger, internet marketer # 1, is devoted to modern effective tools for online sales. This is a step-by-step guide: how these tools work, where and for what purpose. Maria gives visual examples and instructions for their creation and implementation, so that the result of reading the book is ready-made developments that generate profit. You will learn how to launch products on the Internet and automate their sales, work with bloggers, in messengers, learn proven and new ones that have not yet market of customer engagement mechanics. «I really liked that the book contains working tools from both the US market and the Russian-speaking market. This is important, because it is in combination that they work best, since many American» chips «are perceived with hostility in our culture. This book is an excellent guide to action. I especially liked the checklists at the end — I highly recommend planning the next marketing activities just for them! «Marina Mogilko, entrepreneur, co-founder of successful American companies Linguatrip and Fluent.express» In this book you will find and time-tested marketing tools and solutions that have emerged quite recently. s, thanks to which information is easily perceived. Each chapter is a direct guide to action. I recommend it for practitioners. «Mikhail Kuchment, entrepreneur, co-owner of the HOFF furniture chain, co-owner and chairman of the Supervisory Board of Sovcombank, member of the Supervisory Board of X5 Retail Group,» Entrepreneur of the Year 2017 «by EY A book full of practical tools that allows you to quickly master the most modern and effective digital marketing tools. There are many techniques and solutions that are completely new and, when applied, give a real competitive advantage. I had to work with each chapter as with a good guide. It’s great that there are many practical examples and illustrations that help to figure it out. to all entrepreneurs and managers who are interested in increasing sales. Alexander Vysotsky, Visotsky Consulting.