Описание книги
About the product A unique book that brings together all the modern trends in textile art in step-by-step illustrated master classes! All the most fashionable and relevant techniques — shibori, quilting, patchwork, chenille, applique, batik. Luxurious photo illustrations, coated paper, stylish design and unique content. An ideal gift for creative people! Abstract In the modern world of needlework, textile techniques are gaining more and more heights. New fabrics, new styles, new materials appear every year. The old techniques of working with textiles, popular when fabrics were almost the only material for women’s needlework, are also reviving. What is contemporary textile art? This is what this book will tell you about. You will get acquainted with such techniques as chenille, quilting and patchwork in their modern incarnation, master the basics of the finest batik, the most current shibori, and learn the art of modern textile applique. And all this step by step, in colorful illustrations and detailed instructions, accompanied by a fascinating author’s story about each of the techniques. Fabric is truly a fertile material that provides tremendous opportunities! Open the book and start creating! …