Описание книги
About the product The main story of Eduard Uspensky «Crocodile Gena and his friends» with detailed illustrations designed for kids by artists Sergey Bordyug and Natalia Trepenok. Abstract This book could well be called: «Cheburashka and his friends.» But Eduard Uspensky for some reason called her «Crocodile Gena and his friends.» And the truth is, who is more important in the book — Cheburashka or Gena the crocodile? Of course, it was Gena who came up with the idea of writing ads that he was looking for friends. But on the other hand, without such a strange creature as Cheburashka, the company would be too ordinary. In general, among real friends there are no main and non-main ones. As among the notes in a song. Or among the letters in a fairy tale. Good friends, whether they are crocodiles, or people, or dogs, please each other simply by the fact that they are. …